Sunday, April 24, 2011

"She Bop" by Cyndi Lauper

Information about the artist:
"Cyndi Lauper burst onto the world stage as the quintessential girl who wants to have fun. After more than 25 sterling years and global record sales in excess of 30 million, she has proven that she has the heart and soul to keep her legion of fans compelled by her every creative move."
"She Bop" came from Lauper's 2nd album She's So Unusual

Info on "She Bop":
Date Released: 1984
Recognition: In Sept. 8, 1984 "She Bop" reached the number 3 spot on the Hot 100 Billboard Charts.
Songwriters: Richard Chertoff;Gary Corbett;Cyndi Lauper;Stephen Lunt

Analysis of the Music Video "She Bop":

Immediately one can notice how all the people in the music video are dressed the same and seemingly robotic through their movements and facial expressions. The name of the restaurant is “Burger Klone: Over 20 Billion Sold Out”.This sign looks like a modern representation of the typical McDonald's or Burger King.

Source: "She Bop"

The restaurant worker seems falsely happy as she makes the burgers with the help of a machine. The lines of robotic and clone seeming people nod and smile after they receive their trays of food, it is unclear of what this means thus far in the video, however one can assume that they are part of the “Over 20 Billion Sold Out”. The crowds of people eating at the Burger Klone look like mindless teenagers. The worker at the Burger Klone could be enabling the teens to continue being clones of one another and the "sell outs", while Cyndi is the unusual one.

Source: "She Bop"

One can notice a red 1950s looking car with steamy windows and feet moving in view of the windows. The easy assumption  is that people are fooling around in there, perhaps making out. This car and the possible people inside already seem out of place within this modern setting of the fast food parking lot. Machines seems to be doing all the work in the restaurant .
Source: "She Bop"

SourceWendi Richter

The waitress has the qualities of a typical teenager with the heavy make up, bubble gum and bouncy walk. She is actually Wendi Ritcher a professional wrestler in the 1980s. She seems to be a slight contrast to the rest of the masses, whom are all wearing gray clothing. In real life Cydni was part of a wresting storyline with her.

Source: "She Bop"

A few motorcyclists ride up to the scene and then we see Cyndi , and the actual lyrics begin rather than the repeated “She Bop”. One can easily tell she is the main contrast of this video. As she is sitting in the drivers seat of the car. Cyndi's face seems sarcastic with widened eyes and raised eyebrows as she is holding a BeefCake magazine that seems to be steaming. 
Source: Flesh for Fantasy

There is a lot of significance with the BeefCake magazine. A Beefcake generally are photographs or other media of a nude of semi nude male body and that male is typially considered attractive and muscular. 

And we can see on the cover of Cydni's magazine that the male is half nude and seems to be displaying his muscles. Furthermore, the genre of “Beefcake”  “were magazines published in North America in the 1930s to 1960s that featured photographs of attractive, muscular young men in athletic poses.” When these Beefcake magazines were popular the sexual pleasure for straight women and gay men were not hugely catered to, therefore these magazines could help both groups of people experience that and most likely aid in masturbation. While Beefcake magazines were more geared towards gay men before the legalization of gay porn, however the presence of the magazine in the video could represent how women's sexual exploration and desires were not widely accepted in mainstream culture, while straight male sexual magazines have been largely dominating, such as Playboy. 

The lyrics during this section can support the idea that Cyndi had been masturbating in her car:
Well I see them every night in tight blue jeans In the pages of a blue boy magazine Copied from
Source: iOffer
The blue boy magazine refers to an actual magazine, which is a is a gay pornographic magazine with pictures of men in various states of undress, first published in California in 1975. The Blueboy magazine diverged from the beefcake magazines genre that was not outwardly for gay men. However, we can wonder why Cyndi is most likely masturbating to a porn magazine for gay men. Could her message be with this is that there are not an adequate amount of porn available for women's pleasure or that an attractive male is attractive regardless of his sexuality?

Source: "She Bop"
After those two lines of lyrics, Cyndi exits the car and we can see that she is strongly different in appear with the other people at Burger Klone. She is wearing bright colors with bright red-orange hair, heavy make-up and many accessories. 
Source: "She Bop"

Source: "She Bop"
One of the motorcyclist men who smile at Cyndi is wearing a crown that looks similar to the Burger King crown and on the back of his jacket reads, “Beefcake Charlys” and his motorcycle vibrates as Cyndi touches it and sings the lyrics “good virbrations”. One can believe that he is the representation of female masturbation being the “king” of Beefcake Charlys on a vibrating motorcycle, even more precisely he could be the representation of a vibrator.
The lyrics in this section are:
Hey I've been thinkin' of a new sensation
I'm pickin' up good vibrationsOop she bop she bop.

Copied from 
Which can clearly represent female masturbation with sensations caused by vibrations.

The next set of lyrics are:
Do I wanna go out with a lion's roar?
Huh, yea, I wanna go south and get me some more
Hey, they say that a stitch in time saves nine
They say I better stop or I'll go blind
Oop she bop she bop
Copied from

Source: "She Bop"

When she says “I wanna go out with a lion's roar” she grabs what appears to be the leader of the motorcycle gang  leader's hand and takes it off of the handlebar. She takes control of the vehicle and also the Beefcake leader. This shows that she has control over the motorcycle, which supports the idea that it is a representation of her vibrator. Her control caused the Beefcake to be thrown upwards from the motorcycle seat. 

The “lion's roar” also represnets the control over the situation. In nature a lion's roar is seen as maculine and powerful, but when recontextualized in a female position it shows that she has power. Also the lion's roar can be seen as a sexual noise and Cyndi using that reference in this song could symbolize how she can please herself to make a sound like a lion's roar.  

Source: "She Bop"

Then new characters are added to the video as Cyndi plays with the motorcycle, a military S.W.A.T vehicle drives up to the Burger Klone parking lot. S.W.A.T. Stands for “Suburban Wives Against Transgressors”(1:33) . The S.W.A.T. Team could signify those who were against female's exploring and appreciation of their sexuality. The suburban housewives can be seen as a conservative group that does not approve of males nor females masturbating. People's views opposing masturbation could be stemmed from the Bible and Christian beliefs. This can come from the belief that sex should only be used for the purpose of reproduction.

Source: Trey
Gen. 1:28, "And God blessed them; and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'"
Some also believe that the Bible describes it for intimancy, companionship, and physical pleasure, however all of those instances are to be only between a married man and woman, not solo or any other combination.

There are many religious views on masturbation, here are the arguments presented by conservative Protestants against it.

Furthermore a transgressor is infringe or go beyond the bounds of (a moral principle or other established standard of behavior)”. Cyndi's message of pro female masturbation is going beyond typical societal norms, as a character within this song and the larger message she is portraying with the song and video itself.

Source: Hollywood Jesus

When one thinks of a suburban housewive, he or she might imagine a person who seems perfect, robotic and lives to please her husband, like someone from the Stepford Wives. Which are not the typical group of people who would outwardly express their sexuality and masturbation. This stereotype also seems the antithesis of Cyndi's persona.

S.W.A.T Team
Source: "She Bop"

However, these suburban wives are not high income Stepford seeming, but appearing lower class displayed by an unkempt appearance with pink rollers in their hair, bathrobes and chore accessories. These people could symbolize the people in her life that were opposed of her self and sexual expression. 

One of the “suburban wives” of the S.W.A.T team is a middle aged man that looks similar to the other “father”  figures in Cyndi's music videos.

Cyndi's mother from "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun".
Mother from "Time After Time"

Was actually Cyndi's real mother:
Source: Private Party for Cyndi Lauper Concert
It has been noted that Cyndi used her actual mother in her videos. The appearance of the parents in this music video could demonstrate how teenagers who do masturbate are typically punished and when  they are discouraged form doing so they can become robotic people that are seen as sell outs. This idea can carry over to the teenager's self expression as a whole and how parents may discourage their children from being different. It is then obvious why the S.W.A.T team would be against Cyndi. 

Source: "She Bop"

When they appear, Cyndi sings these lyrics: “Huh, yea, I wanna go south and get some more”, this is also clearly referring to masturbation. After singing this she resembles a lion roaring.
Source: "She Bop"

The scene then cuts to a daydream where Cyndi imagines Sigmund Freud and his
Uncle Siggy's Masterbingo” which appears to look like a game show. “Masterbingo”seems like an obvious play on the word Masturbation. In this dream sequence, she sings “ Hey, they say that a stitch in time saves nine” and a nine appears in her bingo. 

Source: "She Bop"

It is not clear what the 9 means in the context of the video. With the idea of the motorcycle she is touching while having this daydream could represent her virbrator, then prehaps that could be 9 inches long and that it saves time later so she doesn't have to masturbate again because the virbrator finished her well. Therefore, she won a sort of game with the usage of a good vibrator.

Source: "She Bop"

 In the video, Freud is holding a book titled “Id&Out”. The Id according to Freud's teachings is the instinctual desire to act upon pleasure and instant gratification. Also Freud stated we must recognize the id as the great reservoir of libido”. 

Source: AllPsych Online
As this is part of a dream sequence which also holds significance with Freud's studies and dreams and the unconscious. The id is part of a person's unconscious and by having this dream, Cydni is acting upon her sexual drive.

Source: "She Bop"

With the flashing lights she looks to has won the bingo game. She then jumps on and hugs the awkward seeming “Uncle Siggy”. He then opens his book as he observes her behavior, pehaps as though he doesn't completely understand it. “Id&Out” could also be interpreted as in and out, which is a motion she may use with her vibrator.

S.W.A.T Team while singing/praying
Source: "She Bop"

Then the scene cuts back to the Burger Klone. Cydni then appears to be running away after noticing the S.W.A.T. Team arriving. She runs amongst the lines of burger consumers. Then the video shows the the S.W.A.T. Team singing the lyric “I hope He will understand” ( This could signify them wondering if God is understanding of masturbation, a father who is opposing it , or a boyfriend. With the “He” capitalized it is an easy assumption to go with God. This can support the idea of the S.W.A.T. Team singing that line because their motivation originated from their possible conservative Christian beliefs against masturbation. The group is also looking up,possibly as a sign of prayer while singing the line. 

Source: "She Bop"

Source: "She Bop"

The Beefcake gang notices the S.W.A.T. Team's pursuit of Cydni, and helps her escape on the side car of the motorcycle. Their escape is shown in a cartoon world and the S.W.A.T. Team is closely following them.

Pre-tunnel Cyndi
Source: "She Bop"

Post Tunnel
Source: "She Bop"
Before entering the tunnel during the chase, Cyndi appears to look human but afterwards she is transformed into a cartoon. This could represent the vibrator/dildo entering her vagina and causing her to feel pleasure.

"Soft Shoulders"
Source: "She Bop"

"Medium Soft Shoulders"
Source: "She Bop"

The chase pursues over the hilly street. The billboard signs along the street have sensual and sensual sounding advertisements: “Soft Shoulders” and “Medium Soft Shoulders”. 

"Get Off Here"
Source: "She Bop"

"Fill 'Er Up"
Source: "She Bop"

Then Cyndi and the Beefcake member are at a gas station called “Fill 'Er Up”, the entrance sign says “Get Off Here”, which is another clear reference to masturbation. The gas station could be seen as the instance when Cyndi actually masturbates.

Source: "She Bop"

Within the gas station sign says “Full Service” and includes three different pumps.The Beefcake at first fills pumps gas into the motorcycle from the first pump.

Source: "She Bop"

This could symbolize traditional sex or unwanted sex. Because when Cyndi noticed the Beefcake Pumping she appeared angry and pointed to the sign that said “Self-Service”.

Gas pumps "Good" and "Better"
Source: "She Bop"

"Self Service" and "Nirvana"
Source: "She Bop"
When she does this one can see that the three pumps are labeled, “Good”, “Better” and “Nirvana”, perhaps the sensation she experiences while masturbating. Nirvana also has three XXX labelled on it which is the symbol for porn. These pumps are on the opposite side of the “Full Service” pumps that are labeled but illegible. Therefore, “Full Service” is traditional sex and “Self-Service” is masturbation. Cyndi does seem to have a preference.

Source: "She Bop"

The S.W.A.T. Team then catches up to her and grabs her. And they take her to the Police station. The policeman also functions as a judge.

Source: "She Bop"

The book on the table is The Big Bopper, this could represent Cydni as a person who maturbatates or has sex a lot. Sometimes a bopper refers to a whore.

Her plea to the police officer is:
Hey, hey--they say I better get a chaperone
Because I can't stop messin' with the danger zone
No, I won't worry, and I won't fret--
Ain't no law against it yet--
Oop--she bop--she bop--

Copied from

Which basically is stating that there is not anything wrong with masturbation and it is legal when done in private.

Source: "She Bop"

The police officer seems angry. He looks up, maybe in a sign of prayer. He could share the same views as the S.W.A.T

Source: "She Bop"

The S.W.A.T. team tried to restrain her but she escaped the handcuffs, the scene flashes to the Burger Klone and then bursts into a scene with white stairs and Cydni dressed in a white suit. The stairs look like the stereotypical stairs leading to heavan and during this part she is singing the chorus:

She bop--he bop--a--we bop
I bop--you bop--a--they bop
Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop,
I hope He will understand
She bop--he bop--a--we bop
I bop--you bop--a--they bop
Be bop--be bop--a--lu--she bop,
Oo--oo--she--do--she bop--she bop

Source: "She Bop"

She appears to be blind when her white cane and hat is thrown at her. She is also wearing black out glasses. Her lyrics also suggest the old wives tale that one will go blind from masturbating. “They say I better stop or I'll go blind.” This could be Cyndi's way of mocking the old wives tale.

Source: "She Bop"

Then the stairs are filled with these supposed masturbators that went blind, and they are all dancing with dark glasses and canes. She dances a duet with a man that is dressed similar to her and who is also blind. The duet of Cyndi and a man symbolizes how men and women both masturbate. The men and women on the stairs also emphasize that point. With the “ She bop--he bop--a--we bop
I bop--you bop--a--they bop” lyrics being sung it seems like they are informing each other and others that they both masturbate.

Source: "She Bop"
At the end of the music video the famous words of Francois de la Brioskee are quoted, "Everybody Bops". However, de la Brioskee is not a real person. A reference of a similar name is in an episode of the Honey Mooners: 

Overall, this video can be anthem for sex-positive feminism and especially for feminists who believe in pro-female masturbation, such as Betty Dodson. 

Sources on pro-female masturbation:
Women's masturbation:
Summary: Betty Dodson calls herself  “A sex positive feminist liberating women one orgasm at a time.”  The site includes a blog by Dodson and Ross that is updated regularly and frequently, with a section regarding feminism. The site includes a free podcast section featuring podcasts and interviews with Betty Dodson. Titles of the podcasts include, Betty's Top Sex Questions” and Women. Sex. Power.”  If one has a personal question for Betty Dodson they can ask her on the site at Ask Dr. Betty” and the question and reply will be posted on the site. Furthermore, others can add their input upon the blog posts. Overall, the site is informative, provides opinions and resources. Some areas of the site may require a paid membership to view, such as the sexual or pornographic videos. Essays by Dodson can be found here, and one that addresses pro-sex feminism and pornography can be found here. Dodson and Ross also have a Youtube channel with 135 free videos that discuss various subjects relating to sex.  Podcasts, blogs,fine art, and informative videos  are free of charge to view and utilize.  
Created by Jennifer Hojnacki. BGSU Great Ideas class.

Other people noticed the vibrator symbolism in "She Bop" and created a business out of it:
She Bop the Shop


  1. The 'Full Service' pumps say: Single, Multiple and the other I can't figure out very well, but appears to be 'Superior'.
    You say the 9 in the bingo it's not clear, but remember 'they say a stitch in time saves 9', that's pointing it's better to prevent rather than heal, but Cyn appears to be 'bopping' several times. Hope this explanation will help.

    Any answer to

  2. Amei .. simplesmente demais .. incrivel como Cyndi conseguiu criar toda essa magia em volta do clipe da música .. huhu .. everybody bops .. uhuhuhu

  3. realmente todo mundo bopa! kkkkkkk

  4. That car was used in the video? Do you know what model and year?

  5. That car was used in the video? Do you know which model and year?

  6. Women of the world, do free yourself and live peacefully with all your needs, your feelings, your pleasure, your body..
    I'm a french man who does masturbate each time I feel like it. F**** all morals and enjoy a flowerful, pleasureful and orgasmic life... Let the walls vibrate!!!
    Religion (continuously led by frustrated males) is responsible for this shameful vision of pleasure which finally harms no one.
    Hail to Cyndi!
    As a teenager I couldn't get the meaning and now I'm proud of this singer who dared such a song.
    Just great.
    Things are moving on. Keep goin' girls, and have fun!

  7. ID & OUT intends to say IN & OUT
    No need to talk about id, ego, etc.

  8. The lead of the Beefcake Charlys is awesome with his patriotic flag selections (USA & CSA).

  9. This is amazing! I miss this version of the internet.
